Monday, March 06, 2017

#2 OOTD! | in which comfortable is priority


I went to Berjaya Times Square and Pavillion (cray cray, I know) today. I have A LOT OF STORIES to tell you guys BUT! Keep the best for the last 😋

Here's my OOTD which I claimed 'comfortable is priority'. I wanted to go with comfortable Outfit for today since it is a day with my friend 💙. I wanted to kick pastel outfit but I forgot I don't have any pastel pants 😅

*why so serious? 😂*

I think this is going to be my OOTD wall for quite awhile 💖 well, I don't have a proper wall so this wall also can lah 😂😂😂

Here's the details: ↓

*flips my scarf*


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