Friday, June 09, 2017

The 1st Week


Wow, I never imagine I could survive my week without BLOGGING! It feels so awkward. I really wanted to blog but I couldn't because of the busy schedule I had with my new school!

How was the first day?
- If you ask me, I felt bad on the first day. Not because of the school but I was burst out crying knowing the fact that I'm about to leave my family for awhile to pursue study. I pursued my study in my own negeri. It takes around 1hour to go there but here I am, crying a river! But still, I'm so glad I wasn't sent to a further place.

1st Day

Ok to be honest, I almost forgot what happened. Here's a bit about what happened on that day.

I registered on Sunday. Around 1PM, we were asked to gather at the mosque. After that we went to the main hall and all the facilitator were there. We received the orientation week's tentative on that time.

I met a few new friends, well basically I'm close with my room mates. I was so happy to know that 3/4 of my room mates take the same course as me. For sure I will not going to be alone when I need to go to our class! hehehe

2nd Day

In the morning, we were busy to register our course in the main hall. I was one of the first one to finish up my registration with my lecturers. Guess who slept the entire registration period? Me.

Around 12.30PM, we were asked to go to the mosque to perform solat Zohor and after that we went to the hall again to hear speech from the lecturers.

This was a photo of me, in the mosque of my college while waiting for my turn to read Quran (tadarus)

3rd Day

Full of speech today. From the start untill the last. Can you guess again who slept the entire day? 

Correct! Its's ME!

This was after Subuh while watching some of the videos that the facilitator showed us. I was slept the entire period also.

Today, we were allowed to wear any kind of attire (as long as it is covering your aurat)

Oh, I forgot to mention, the entire orientation week we were asked to wear black and white attire but today they allowed us to wear bebas!

The night before the 4th day aka the day I went back HOME! I've packed everything and just get ready to Zzz.

4th Day

One of the amazing day. We sang, we danced, we knew each other better. Today was the day I met my main lecturer (something that we called guru kelas when in school)

Everything was fine because I can't wait to go back home and I've already told my family I will be back around 2 PM because that's what the schedule said. The event of today will be ended on 2 PM.

Unfortunately, I was told by one of the facilitator that THEY MIGHT ENDED THE EVENT ON 4PM.


I called my parents immediately that they don't have to pick me up now (around 1PM). I will call them once the event has ended.

I was mad because why they didn't tell us it might ended late? 

3PM later, the event finally ended. I straight away called my parents to pick me up. Thinking I have one hour to get ready, I just go shower and get ready while waiting my parents to pick me up. well, the plan is I want to straight away go back home after the event has ended so I don't have to get ready, shower and so on... Tapi tu lah, malang tidak berbau...

Sitting on the corridor while waiting for my parents to pick me up

Ok, I think that's all I want to share for today. InsyaAllah I'll update more everyday!

Talk soon, buh-bye!

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